Hope you are having a healthy summer and working on at least one healthy eating change (mentors too!). Every week I will be sharing information about healthy foods with you. Today I want to share a few food facts about a wonderful (and healthy) summer food...BLUEBERRIES!
Blueberries are nutrition superstars. Have you heard of antioxidants? Well blueberries have plenty of them which contribute to cancer prevention. In addition to antioxidants, blueberries have Vitamin C and five grams of fiber per cup. They have no fat or cholesterol, no sodium and only 40 calories per half cup. So put them on your cereal, in a smoothie or eat them plain instead of candy. Buy a bag of frozen blueberries and eat them right out of the freezer bag to cool off.
CONTEST (where everyone wins): E-mail (or mail) your favorite recipe to me that uses any kind of berry and I will send you a fruit/veggie cookbook as a thanks for sharing (or other "prize" if I run out of those). Have a happy, healthy day!
Anne Murphy, PhD, RD
Healthy Kids Evaluation Services
1771 S. Cherry Blossom Lane
Suttons Bay, MI 49682